What is Foundation Training?

Foundation Training is a movement practice designed to restore the body’s natural order and put YOU at the centre of your health. It teaches your body how to properly support itself and move as nature intended. It was developed by chiropractor and movement expert, Dr Eric Goodman, to heal his own chronic back pain. Having refused spinal fusion surgery prescribed to him by several doctors, he managed to get himself out of pain within a year. Now, years later, Dr Goodman leads an active, pain free life and has developed an incredible series of exercises to help others do the same.


Thousands of people who were in pain with anything from sore knees and failing hips to bad backs and painful shoulders, have discovered remarkable healing through Foundation Training. The power of decompression and the restoration of correct movement make this programme a natural and effective alternative to heavy-handed medical intervention.


This programme is not a temporary remedy, but a systematic solution that offers long-term benefits. Practicing Foundation Training enables one to reach, achieve and experience incredible health and wellness.


Private Sessions

Private instruction with life-changing results


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Meet Our Instructors

Certified and trained in the USA by Dr Eric Goodman.

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Do you have shoulder or neck tension? Read on…⁠The shoulders, head and neck effectively sit on the ribcage.⁠Therefore, if your ribcage is not functioning well, or is in poor posture, your shoulders, head and neck will be affected.⁠Conventionally shoulder and neck tension is treated without taking the ribcage into consideration - missing the root cause.⁠For long lasting results you have to look beyond the site of pain and address the source of the problem.⁠Contact us to find out more:⁠📩 info@ftinstructors.co.uk⁠👥 www.facebook.com/ftinstructors💻www.ftinstructors.co.uk⁠#ShouldersPain #foundationtraining #neckpain #shouldertension #necktension #tensionheadache #thoracicoutletsyndrome #thoracicexpansion #thoracicmobility #ribcage #ribcagefunction #ribcageposture #axialskeleton #posture #ShoulderInjury #brachialplexus #shouldermovement #scapulaglide #latissimusdorsi #ribcageexpansion #decompressionbreathing #SpinalDecompression #siteofpainisnotsourceofpain #lookbeyond #wholebody #LongTermPainRelief #LongTermResults ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Foundation Training Instructors: UK
An impromptu workshop whilst out here in Puerto Rico. What a pleasure to teach such an informed and enthusiastic group - all part of the surfing community here 🏄‍♀️ and most of whom knew of Foundation Training already!Thank you all for coming at such short notice, and huge appreciation to Kait and Frank for organising and hosting 🫶M I K E ///// G U E S T Ahmed Perez Gandica Olivia Kimbrough Rufino Vega 🇵🇷🌎 #movememtpractice #bodyweightworkout #bespokeworkshop #painreliefworkshop #PainRelief #painmanagement #painmanagementworkshop #backpainworkshop #healthymovement #movementmedicine #movementworkshop #movementpatterning #decompression #SpinalDecompression #backpainrelief #neckpainrelief #sciaticpainrelief #backpainexercises #painreliefexercises #holistichealth #foundationtraining #SpinalDecompression #decompression #painmanagement #anatomytrains #anatomyinmotion #humananatomy #surfingpr #surfingpuertorico #SurfingInjuries #foundationtrainingsurfing ... See MoreSee Less
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What are the side effects of Foundation Training?⁠* Decreased pain ⁠* Improved posture⁠* Increased core strength⁠* Improved digestive function * Increased bladder control * Pursuit of forgotten passions⁠* Greater understanding of you body * Broader awareness of your mind-body connection Sounds great, right? Foundation Training will only positively impact your life and allow you to live it to the fullest.⁠✨⁠Contact us to find out more:📩 info@ftinstructors.co.uk👥 Foundation Training Instructors: UK💻 www.ftinstructors.co.uk#foundationtraining #foundationtraininguk #ftiuk #backpaincauses #causeofbackpain #rootcause #lowerbackpain #discbulge #herniateddisc #sciatica #sciaticarelief #sciaticpain #lordosis #pelvicpain #HipFunction #dysfunctionalhips #hiptightness #tighthips #hipmobility #sijointdysfunction #sijoint #sacroiliacjointdysfunction #sacroiliacjoint #FixTheRootCause #askwhy #bigpicture #rootcausepainrelief #musclebalance ... See MoreSee Less
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Swipe to see what our clients say 👀 ➡️Contact us to find out more:📩 info@ftinstructors.co.uk👥 www.facebook.com/ftinstructors💻 www.ftinstructors.co.uk#foundationtraining #foundationtraininguk #ftiuk #neckpain #posturalcorrection #movementbenefits #backpaincauses #causeofbackpain #rootcause #lowerbackpain #sciatica #sciaticpain #pelvicpain #HipFunction #dysfunctionalhips #hiptightness #tighthips #hipmobility #FixTheRootCause #rootcausepainrelief #OnlineTraining #movementismedicine ... See MoreSee Less
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If you’ve been to any of our workshops or retreats you will have heard/seen me teach this guys work - Tom Myers of @anatomytrainsofficial Tom is a driving force in holistic anatomy education. He has shown, through dissection, how the body is connected as one system myofascially, but this course took it a step further with stunning explanations of how our emotional tensions can be read through our posture and holding patterns. With this information we can work more specifically to release areas of tension in the body and reach new levels of freedom.This was a dream come true to learn directly with Tom. I had high expectations and they were blown out the water! Lots to process and weave into my teaching - it’s a joy to learn again!@mr_guesty #movememtpractice #bodyweightworkout #bespokeworkshop #painreliefworkshop #painrelief #painmanagement #painmanagementworkshop #backpainworkshop #healthymovement #movementmedicine #movementworkshop #movementpatterning #decompression #spinaldecompression #backpainrelief #neckpainrelief #sciaticpainrelief #backpainexercises #painreliefexercises #holistichealth #foundationtraining #spinaldecompression #decompression #painmanagement #anatomytrains #anatomyinmotion #humananatomy #puertorico ... See MoreSee Less
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